RRRE.exe / RRRE64.exe which handles all the Game-Engine & Rendering stuff RaceRoom always starts multiple processes for the Game: Or if you have Performance issues in General, due to some low/mid end Machine If you have other launch parameters set already, like triple screen or such, just go to the end of your entry leave a blank space and insert the above behind.įor those running the OtterHud combined with:.In the new opened Window you have ' LAUNCH OPTIONS' insert this into the text field:.Right-Click RaceRoom entry in your Steam Game Library and select 'Properties'.
You need to change the startup Parameter for RaceRoom in the Steam launcher You will see the option ' Enable Web-Hud integration (R3E only) (boolean)' on the left side, enable it!Ģ. Click on ' Properties' in the main Crew-Chief windowĢ. Run the latest CrewChief version and enable the option ' Enable Web-Hud integration' in the settingsġ. Download the dash.zip from the repository, extract all files and run the dash.exe yourself.